Station details

This weather station is located at Poulsker, Bornholm (Denmark), and has been broadcasting on the Internet since 12 August 2015.

I maintain this web site on a voluntary basis and the site provides online weather data for my local area. The site's weather information is updated every 10, and is available 24/7.

The data provided on the site is collected by using the following weather station :

Equipment :

Broadcasting :

Weather station PCE-FWS 20 / WH1080 Weather software Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)
Computer AMD C-70 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics Weather template Weather by You!
  Windows 8 x64 build 9200 Design In obscuro

Contact :

To communicate with us, you could use the following email adress :


Our Web affiliations

OZ7RBI-4 is broadcasted also on following International weather networks:

Personnal Weather Stations Weather Underground Weather Observations Website European Weather Network Automatic Packet Reporting System